I had the opportunity to tour the new Robotics maker space this afternoon, and I tell you - it’s as if this room was predestined for this very purpose. There’s even a 4-pillar support colloseum around the robot battleground in the center of the classroom! You’ve really got to see it up close to feel the excitement of this room’s potential. Moreover, there’s plenty of space for the heavy fabrication machinery at the back of the room, and the variety of equipment as you can see in the image below has just enough space to fill the room entirely. Not to mention Andy has good taste in music which sets the work atmosphere just right.

Robotics Maker Space

I had the opportunity to demo one of the robotics (I even got in trouble with Andy for grinding the gears against the arena railing trying to climb its wall). I used what looks like an Xbox or Playstation controller to pilot the robot around the room. I even did some hilarious things like flip it upside down, right itself, grab a desk and try to drag it, pick up a bottle and move it, and take some laps around the classroom perimeter.

Finally, I had the fortunate opportunity to acquire some of the robotics programming software. I can’t wait to try programming the controller and interfacing the robotics equipment with a tablet or phone.