Underneath the Science Department’s umbrella of “STEAM Co-Curriculars”, there are 7 clubs: Science Club, Ecology Club, Robotics Club, Astronomy Club, Zoology Club, Engineering Club, and Rocket Club. Co-Curricular Clubs offer students an opportunity that is an extension of the classroom, enhancing their formation and allowing them experiences they may not be able to have within the current academic curriculum.

The foundation of our STEAM initiative… student-centered, actively learning by doing, creative problem solving, inspiring the desire to do more…cannot be met in the classroom alone and quite frankly is not designed to be limited to the classroom. A STEAM Education at Rockhurst High School in the year 2015 is meant to be viewed as a single experience throughout with common threads linking all. Clubs play a vital role in this experience and essentially enrich an already robust curriculum.

Clubs are designed to be student-driven and student-led. With the STEAM Clubs of the Science Department, students are asked to “think big”, pursue research projects and experiments they are inspired by, and to create opportunities they may not normally be able to experience. Our Science Club conducts demonstrations that go beyond what is done in the chemistry lab, the Ecology Club does research in the field, the Zoology breeds various animals, and the Engineering Club builds numerous machines. All are extensions of the curricula of the Science Department and ask the students to “do good science”.