How do talented teachers make an impact beyond their classroom walls? A national organization LRNG challenges the community to look at learning a different way. Through digital badges, students obtain skills relevant to their interests.

Rockhurst High School teacher, Tim Reidy, recently pitched his plan to create a Historian Skills badge. Read more about his 2nd place finish at the KC Playlist Design Challenge here.

Students can learn more about their hometown by gaining experience points through this badge. The menu of possibilities include adventures such as taking a picture on downtown street corner, learning how to navigate archived data to locate an old picture of the same street corner, and then digitally stitching the pictures together. Students will also earn (learn) research experience points (skills) empowering them to tell the story that bridges the time gap between the two pictures. By publishing this authentic work, students contribute to the historical data of the community.

Rockhurst teachers can create LRNG badges that serve the students in their own classes, but the journey towards that badge is not Rockhurst-centric. Any student can earn this Historian skills badge. Any teacher in the community can offer this badge as an option for students. In this way, Rockhurst High School will help students across the entire community. Rockhurst challenges students to become men with-and-for others. We aim to model that behavior by being a school with-and-for others.