In fulfilling our mission of forming young men to strive for academic excellence and be open to growth, we are delighted with our new Academic Learning Commons! Students now have a beautiful new space to be productive and creative during the day. During the last two weeks of August, 59 small groups reserved space in the conference rooms to work collaboratively, and five large groups used the pitch space for meetings, presentations, and class speakers.

Students using the new pitch space to learn entrepreneurial mindset lessons from entrepreneur/film maker Nathan Kincaid.

Numerous students and teachers have taken advantage of the silent study room, and the tech desk has been the hub for technology troubleshooting and printing. The makerspace will be available to students very soon to encourage creative projects and investigative learning. It has been so impressive seeing the great response by our students as they learn to navigate the space and adapt to the expectations for the Learning Commons. At any given time during the day, you can walk through and see students taking advantage of their self-directed time by doing homework, reading, playing a friendly game of chess, browsing our bookshelves, or even building with legos. Thank you to all who contributed to the creation of this awesome space. It is truly a benefit to the young men in our care!