The following reflection was written by Evan Highfill.
Creating stories is an aspect of being a man for others...

Rockhurst has great common core classes in which you can learn a lot in, but more importantly in my mind there are classes offered, electives, that enrich the mind. Electives put everything you learn in classes and applies it to one specific type of job or task. Additionally, electives allow you to explore career opportunities outside of the normal school curriculum. My favorite electives are the film classes.

MVI_0482 from Evan Highfill on Vimeo.

We get to learn what it means to tell a story in a digital way. I originally enrolled in the class to see the cool equipment, but I have come to a conclusion that it’s not the equipment that tells the story; it’s you who tells the story. Creating stories is an aspect of being a man for others because we are able to teach people through a fun and entertaining environment about what they didn’t know, help them by learning moral value stories and by inspiring them to be creative.