The following reflection is by Rockurst student Tanner Helton, member of the class of 2020.

The MECA challenge was a great experience. It was both fun and had many educational opportunities available. I loved working with a wide variety of people from different communities around the metro area. The challenge really pushed us to all put forth our best effort because of the time constraint. The time limitation also showed us what it is like to be under high pressure situations.

Students pitching their solution at the Sprint Accelerator

The challenge began with us being educated on the problem at hand from the MOKAN Goodwill CEO. Their problem was that they weren’t reaching the Gen Z and Millennial demographic, and it was our job to create a viable solution for Goodwill. We broke up into our groups with our mentors and began working. The most important aspect for the challenge was our group’s cooperation. The group needed to work well together and work efficiently to be able to create the best solution. We didn’t have enough time to have some people dilly-dallying, everyone needed to be on the ball.

Rockhurst students representing during the first round of pitches at the MECA Challenge

One of the most inspirational parts of the challenge was the mentors that were provided to us. They provided useful insight that helped our group succeed, and they have the experience that we lack. The last thing that we did as a group was present our idea. We only had three minutes to present, and that wasn’t nearly enough time to go over everything we’d talked about so it was a definite time crunch, but I’m proud of our groups work. We ended up second out of our room’s groups. Overall, it was a wonderful opportunity and great experience.

Winning group used this photo to sell their idea. Rockhurst student, Will Hansen, representing in the middle.

Startland News wrote an article about this MECA Challenge here.