For the 2nd year in a row, Rockhurst High School has partnered with the nonprofit organization Walkin’ & Rollin’ costumes. Students from three different courses worked together to create a costume for Moses.

Moses lives with cerebral palsy. When he was adopted by his parents, he carried a Captain America doll around with him wherever he went. As a result, the students decided to turn his wheelchair into a Captain America Avengers costume for Halloween!

Mr. Murphy’s students in the Design for Industry class built the frame for his wheelchair.

Students in Mr. Owen’s Painting class colored the costume to reflect the Avengers.

Principels of Engineering studetns programmed Avenger music so that the music would play after Moses pressed buttons attached to the arms of his wheelchair.

Junior Evan Highfill made a documentary of the entire event for his advanced Filmmaking class with Ms. Smith.

Interdisciplinary projects with an an authentic audience like these are the reason why Rockhurst High School joined the CAPS Network in May of 2018.

Walkin and Rollin from Evan Highfill on Vimeo.