This semester the photography classes had the opportunity to visit the Kansas City Zoo to work on their skills in nature photography. This was a chance for the students to experience a Kansas City treasure and learn about many of God’s creatures, some that were familiar and some that were new. They could also practice using different styles of lenses. Below are a few of their images and reflections of the experience.

The following reflection was written by Rockhurst High School junior, Ethan Tillman.

On Monday, September 24, we traveled beyond the Rockhurst atmosphere to the Kansas City Zoo in order to take pictures in a more natural environment. When our group arrived, Nick Rowe, Max Lovick, and I decided to go away from the crowd and move left towards Australia first. While we were in going to Australia, I photographed animals such as the Bengal Tiger, Macaw, and my personal favorite, the kangaroo. I loved the kangaroo exhibit because of the open area. I was able to observe them without a cage or netting, but instead an open field. I stepped just a bit off of the path to get a better angle, and I was able to capture some good photos.

The day was very cloudy, humid, and not too hot. However, I was expecting weather more on the chilly side so I wore pants and a sweatshirt, but man was I wrong to do that. I felt myself having to constantly wipe my face to try and prevent moisture of any kind on the camera. Aside from my own dumb mistake, I did not face any problems both at the zoo in general nor the camera. Because I was constantly going outside and inside, I just set my ISO to auto so that I did not have to keep adjusting it. The trip was so fun, and I’m glad I decided to go instead of writing an essay. I got to miss some class to go look at animals I do not get to see everyday… and eat Dip and Dots (highlight of the trip for sure).