Rockhurst STEAM students posing for a picture with Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft.

Seven students travelled to Jefferson City, MO on March 7th, to celebrate STEM Day at the Capitol. Each student showcased their unique STEAM project to legislators, policy makers, industry partners and other educators. A couple of examples include senior Daniel Tartaglia explaining how he is using an acid solution to harvest platinum from donated catalytic converters previously used in old cars and senior Austin Sands showing off his very own game that can be downloaded on iTunes. This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockhurst High School students to advocate for the important of STEAM education to the state government officials. Rockhurst students also spent time witnessing both the state house representatives and the state senators in session.

Rockhurst students explaining their projects at STEM Day at the Capitol.

Students from Rockhurst were invited by the event host, Missouri Chamber of Commerce.

Anthony Haggerty is explainging how he applied STEM skills for his Entrepreneurship class. Aidan Lake & Tanner Helton are sharing their computer science programs with Miss Teen Missouri, USA.

"I finally understand how important STEM is." - Anthony Haggerty on the 0:45 mark on the video below.

From left to right: Leyton Rebori '19, Austin Sands '19, Anthony Haggerty '19, Mr. Greg Owsley '00, Daniel Tartaglia '19, Aidan Lake '20, Tanner Helton '20, Watson Deacon '19.