The two weeks of workshops impacts 4,500+ students!

Master teacher David Huoppi, featured on the far left, facilitating another excellent EMI workshop. Talented & inspiring teachers from the Phillips Exeter Academy truly enrich the EMI experience.

For a 4th straight year, Rockhurst High School, St. Teresa’s Academy and the Phillips Exeter Academy partnered to facilitate an Exeter Mathematics Institute for Kansas City area math teachers. Great representation of teachers from schools all across the metropolitan area differentiated this year’s workshop.

The Exeter Mathematics Institute (EMI) provides an immersive four day intensive math workshop. Teachers work together on throught provoking and beautiful math problems. They learn mathematical principles through a problem-based approach. Teachers share their thinking publically with a facilitator from the Phillips Exeter Academy.

I have attended EMI multiple times, and I learn something new each time!
Because not only you will learn a lot of things about Mathematics but also you can create a network of freindships.
It’s an incredible experience to work out problems with other teachers and to see how ideas develop through said problems.
Meeting various knowledgeable and experienced teachers in the same area is really helpful to make the math education one more step ahead.

Many of the problems are ‘hands-on’, meaning that teachers are working with tools and collecting real data. In the pictures below, teachers discovered Hooke’s Law.

This is one of the best, if not the best, professional development opportunity for math teachers. The multiple positive testimonials speak for themselves.

I think every math teacher would get ideas and see how to get students to explore things on their own.
I enjoyed that the conference was very hands-on. Often times, math conferences are theoretical and not practical.
I think it is a great opportunity to think about what exactly each of my middle school student need to get ready for

What’s a Word Wall!?

One fun addition to this year’s EMI was the word wall contributions. These were some fun images that teachers came up with throughout the week in order to reinforce important math concepts. Enjoy!