Educational Philosophy

Rockhurst High School is a Catholic, all-male, college-preparatory, Jesuit school for grades 9 -12. Rockhurst provides tuition assistance and other resources to allow many at-risk students to attend. However, there is ongoing need for additional resources that support these students.

The desired pedagogy at Rockhurst High School involves student-centered, value-added formation of men for others. The profile of the Graduate at Graduation posits that all graduates are intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, committed to justice, and loving. We believe that the Active Learning Center will impact teaching and learning that will enhance all five of those qualities, not merely academic improvement. Moreover, the Blended Learning classroom will help individualize the needs of each at-risk student.

The Active Learning Classroom will enable the school to implement a differentiated instruction plan for at-risk students. Research from StandUpKids reports that students spend an average of 4.5 hours sitting each day during school. Creating space that allows for movement will positively impact the learning of Rockhurst students. Moreover, part of the vision of Rockhurst High School is to “foster life-long friendships”. This perfectly aligns with the words of Steelcase design researcher, Aileen Stricklan, when she says, “When students can move around, relationships are more dynamic.”