Steelcase Grant

The vision of Rockhurst High School’s STEAM initiative is to form innovative men with and for others who live and collaborate in an engaging learning environment. This school wide initiative is not only bolstering STEM subjects, but is catalyzing a movement from a teacher-centered to student-centered learning environment. Every student deserves opportunities to be successful, not simply the top 20%. Therefore, this Steelcase Active Learning Center Grant will be used to assist and support our most at-risk students through the design of an Active Learning Center Support Hub.

Room 104 will be redesigned to support active learning pedagogy. The previous success of increased active learning methodology will inform the best practices that will be utilized in this new anchor point for Rockhurst’s at-risk students. It will become a support hub for our students with greatest academic need. In conjunction with the Director of the Hurtado Scholars program, Director of the Magis Academy, and Director of the Student Success Center, the classroom will be redesigned during the summer of 2017.

In order to accommodate the Steelcase Education Active Learning Center, the existing furniture in room 104 will be removed. Since Classroom #3 will be installed, an audit of the existing power supply will take place in order to assure the correct number of outlets and power supply needed for the space. Moreover, it will be assessed whether or not it will be advantageous to keep the existing closet spaces in that room.

A mix of six Verb Chevron tables and twelve Node Tablet arm chairs will be installed into the room. Teachers of the Magis Academy and the Student Success Center have expressed the importance of student’s being able to easily choose between group work settings and individual work environments. Since all of the Magis Academy classes have small class sizes, the mix in furniture will be ideal for any learning activity. The Student Success Center averages between twenty and thirty students a day, so the seating capacity will be sufficient for its needs.