Brandon Jones

Who I am…

I am a husband to a talented artist and father of two young daughters. As a native Iowan, I developed an interest in music, writing, and literature at the University of Northern Iowa, originally known as the Teacher’s College. After moving to Kansas City in 2003, I began teaching English at Rockhurst High School in 2005.

Since then, Rockhurst fostered in me a passion for education. Because I am always interested in expanding my repertoire as an instructor, I began exploring the power of technology to engage, challenge, and deepen our learning. Since 2012, I have been acting as the school’s educational technologist, planning the iPad program and providing professional development to faculty.

My academic philosophy

Education is a science to be honed and an art to be crafted. In this sense, education requires teachers to be connected to current research, yet creative enough to apply it. Throw in a bunch of growing young men and we have an interesting situation. We know our students have enormous capacity to learn. As educators, we get to be in the unique position to aid the process.

My dream classroom

The literal classroom should be flexible and fluid, allowing diverse learners a variety of ways to engage. Furniture should be flexible and the technology should be a ready tool. However, my dream classroom extends beyond four walls. Learning takes on another level of authenticity when we take it out to the world. Technology should empower our students to expand their global understanding and make an impact on the world.

My STEAM goals

My first STEAM goal is to see students and teachers empowered with the technology they need to be connected learners. As the educational technologist, I am primarily concerned with integrating technology to achieve authentic learning goals. Secondly, because of my English background, I am interested in the A(rts) aspect of the STEAM program. Where do humanities and fine arts fit into a program that was traditionally focused on science and mathematics? How do we empower our students to be engaged learners who are prepared for the twenty-first century economy and culture?

Brandon Jones

Brandon Jones

Educational Technologist

Posts by Brandon Jones