If you haven’t heard, the Science department reached an inflection point and is positively accelerating.

And not because the Pope’s Astronomer spoke to the entire student body

The students in the biology and chemistry classes are experiencing more labs than ever before.

Students in Physics and Robotics are getting more and more hands on.

Robotics Maker Space

Cardboard Boats

Spandex of SpaceTime

3D Printers!


NASA Ambassador at Rockhurst

Launch a weather balloon!

There are even more exciting courses next year!

Fundamentals of Science Research

Principles of Engineering (POE)

And there is even an Outdoor Classroom plan in the works!

Want to get involved in science or engineering outside the classroom? Then there are more opportunities than you may realize. The STEAM initiative has helped create a number of student opportunities. Most of them are through the science department.

Robotics Team

JE Dunn “Building For Others” Mentor Program

Summer Academy

Saltwater Reef Fish Tank



Harvesting Quartz



So if you see a Science teacher, then stop to thank him or her. Not only did they spend a combined 80+ hours cleaning the laboratory glassware this summer or put a weather station on the roof, they continue to increase the number of innovative student offerings at an increasing rate.