Students from the Entrepreneurship for Others (EFO) class pitched their business canvas solutions on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018. In front of a panel of judges and over 100 guests including parents, faculty and alumni, the students showcased their prototypes and research they developed over the course of their semester course.

Students pitching their solution at the EFO Pitch Night

Each student led company had 5 minutes to pitch their product or service. Afterwards, the panel of judges had 5 additional minutes for questions. The class is in its 2nd year with a goal of allowing the young men to get creative, work in teams, research, pitch, grow and potentially fail. The fall of 2018 semester produced 8 student teams that tackled a variety of issues that the students felt were important.

  1. RecBooth - portable, cost effective recording/event software.
  2. Educomm - school teacher/administration communication tool to help timing of homework and tests across the entire school.
  3. Puarlee & Co. - retractable wired headphones accessory.
  4. Grainess - safety harness for farmers to access grain bins.
  5. Project X - proper football tackling sensory technology.
  6. Project Christopher - automobile vehicle sensory system.
  7. Cool Moms - folding chair cooling component.
  8. Magnetic Magic - magnetic features on shirts to ease use for those with Parkinson's, arthritis, amputees and other rare conditions.

Magnetic magic won most viable product after impressing the judges with a product they can see going to market. members include junior Mark Hallier, senior Aidan Matlock and senior Joseph Mandacina.

Providing an authentic audience for the students is a growing point of emphasis for the Rockhurst learning experience. Indicator 1.11 of the STEM Certification emphasizes the importance of relative adult-world connections in supporting student learning. The EFO class created multiple opportunities for students to interact with adults.

Educomm received he award for best process. This all senior team included RJ Pascuzzi, Al Ba, Tyler Nelson and Tonyo Grandison.

  • 9 different entrepreneurs shared their story to the class. Each entrepreneur was interviewed by two students in front of the class.
  • 11 different adult professionals came to class to meet with various groups to help mentor them as they worked on solving their problem.
  • 10 other adult entrepreneurs worked with the students in the 1st quarter at a City-Wide MECA Challenge, which is an entrepreneurial challenge.
  • All the students shared their project at Global Entrepreneurship Week
"This had been maybe the funnest and best class I have taken at Rockhurst and my life so far." - EFO student

It will be exciting to see what great work comes out of the new group of students for EFO Spring 2019!

Project Christopher won best pitch. This team included Zach Andreson, Anthony Haggerty and Thomas Chastain.